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National accounts

System of national accounts is the macroeconomic system of data presenting, providing the insight in total economy. The accounts take the central position in the statistical system and are unavoidable basis for economic policy management and decision making on all levels since they enable measuring of economic development level, economic growth rate, changes in production, consumption, savings, investments in fixed assets , exports and imports.


Major revision of national accounts in 2024

The Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia (SORS) announces the major (benchmark) revision of the National Accounts, which will take place in 2024. The major revision is regular revision of the system of National Accounts, coordinated with the Eurostat and conducted in a harmonized manner by all members of the European Union every five years. The previous major revision of the National Accounts of the Republic of Serbia was performed in 2019, and the 2024 revision will be the fourth major revision of the National Accounts since 2012 when SORS for the first time had participated in the EU benchmark revision cycles. More in the attachment.