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23.05.2018. -
Conference “Towards 2021 Census”

Within the preparatory activities for the forthcoming Census of Population, Households and Dwellings, the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia organized the Conference “Towards 2021 Census”, which was held on 22/23 May 2018.

The Conference was attended, apart from Ms. Slavica Đukić Dejanović, the Minister in charge for demography and population policy, Mr. Piter Everers, from Eurostat, Director in charge of cooperation within the ESS, international cooperation and resources, and Mr. Paolo Valente from UNECE, by other representatives of the international statistical institutions and statistical institutes of the region countries, as well as the representatives of ministries and other professional and scientific institutions of the Republic of Serbia.

The purpose of the Conference was to promote the Census, exchange the experiences and present the ideas and plans regarding the methodological, organizational and technological aspects of the forthcoming Census.

The Conference received a good media coverage.


   1.1_Paolo Valente_UNECE_Belgrade conference May 2018.pdf
   1.2_Jean-Michel Durr_Presentation_Belgrade conference May 2018
   1.3_Mira Nikic_Serbia_Belgrade conference May 2018
   2.1_Apostol Simovski_Republic of Macedonia Census 2020_Belgrade conference May 2018
   2.2_Virág Erdei-Marcell Kovács_Hungary_Novelties_of_microcensus_2016_Belgrade conference May 2018
   2.3_Ivana Bursic_Croatia_2017 pilot_Belgrade conference May 2018
   2.4_Irena Varagic_Montenegro_Census 2021_Belgrade conference May 2018
   2.5_Ljiljana Djordjevic_Serbia_2021 Census_Belgrade conference May 2018
   3.1_Danilo Dolenc_Slovenia_GEO_REFERENCED_CENSUS_DATA_Belgrade conference May 2018
   3.2_Goran Kirandjiski_MK_CensusCartography_Belgrade conference May 2018
   3.3_Vesna Protulipac_RGA_CENSUS 2021_Belgrade conference May 2018
   4.1_Vladimir Nikitovic_Institute_Belgrade conference May 2018
   4.2_Danica Santic_Faculty of Geography_Cinderella_Belgrade conference May 2018
   4.3_Danijela Srnic_IAUS_Belgrade conference May 2018
   4.4_Knezevic Aleksandar_Faculty of Geography_From ethno-statistics to ethno-politics_
   4.6_Kokotovic_Drobnjakovic_Academy_The experience of the academic community



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