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Classifications are the basis for data collection and dissemination in each of the statistical areas. They provide the standardized concepts for describing the phenomena such as economic activities, products, costs, occupations or human health. They are necessary for accurate measuring of the phenomena within and between the countries and geographical regions.

International classifications serve as the model for development of national, multinational and regional classifications, providing the basis for mutually comparable data. International classifications are designed to be used in their original form, and are also adjustable to national specific characteristics.

Generally, statistical classification is the manner of grouping set of connected categories into functional, systematic and standardized forms. Statistical classification is usually detailed, having mutually exclusive and well described categories, as well as hierarchical or flat structure.

Code lists are usually harmonized to the specific needs, covering only the categories applied in the referent areas. Categories in the classifications are thorough and mutually exclusive, while it is not the case with the code lists.

Classifications by


Classification of Activities 2010 КД 2010
  Klasifikacija delatnosti 2010 .xls (only in Serbian)  
  Klasifikacija delatnosti 2010 (sa skraćenim nazivima delatnosti) .doc (only in Serbian)  
  Tabela veza između klasifikacija KD 1996 i KD 2010 (sa opisima i napomenama) .doc (only in Serbian)  
  Tabela veza izmedju klasifikacije KD 1996 i KD 2010.xls (only in Serbian)  
  Statistical Classification of Economic Activities in the European Community, Rev. 2 NACE Rev.2
  International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities Rev.4 ISIC Rev.4


  Occupation and Employment  
Classification of Occupations  
International Standard Classification of Occupations 2008 ISCO 2008
International Classification of Status in Employment ICSE
International Classification of Status in Employment (ICSE) 1993 ICSE 93


  National Accounts  
Classification of Institutional Sectors 2018  
Classification of Individual Consumption by Purpose Adapted to the Needs of Harmonized Indices of Consumer Prices COICOP-HICP
Classification of Individual Consumption by Purpose Adapted to the Needs of Household Budget Survey COICOP-HBS
Classification of Individual Consumption According to Purpose COICOP
Classification Of the Functions Of Government COFOG
Classification Of the Purposes of Non-profit Institutions COPNI


  Educations, Science and Culture  
Sistematski spisak završenih škola (only in Serbian)  
Nomenclature for the analysis and comparison of scientific programmes and budgets 2007 NABS 2007
Field of science and technology classification 2007 FOS 2007
International Standard Classification of Education 2013 ISCED-F 2013
International Standard Classification of Education 2011 ISCED 2011
Universal Decimal Classification UDC


ICCS - Codebook of criminal offenses for the criminal code RS and special laws(only in Serbian)  
Klasifikacija krivičnih dela za Krivični zakonik RS (only in Serbian)  
Klasifikacija krivičnih dela i kazni (only in Serbian)  
Klasifikacija privrednih prestupa (only in Serbian)  
Classification (codebook) of criminal offenses for criminal offenses of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Serbia according - ICCS  
Classification (codebook) of criminal offenses for criminal offenses under special laws according - ICCS  


Nomenklatura namene industrijskih proizvoda 2004 (only in Serbian)  
Nomenklatura namene industrijskih proizvoda 2010 (only in Serbian)  
Nomenklatura industrijskih proizvoda za Godišnje istraživanje industrije 2015 (only in Serbian)  
Nomenklatura industrijskih proizvoda za Godišnje istraživanje industrije 2016 (only in Serbian)  
Nomenklatura industrijskih proizvoda za Godišnje istraživanje industrije 2017 (only in Serbian)  
Nomenklatura industrijskih proizvoda za Godišnje istraživanje industrije 2018 (only in Serbian)  
Nomenklatura industrijskih proizvoda za Mesečno istraživanje industrije 2016 (only in Serbian)  
Main Industrial Groupings MIGs 2009
Statistical Classification of Products by Activity 2008 CPA 2008
Statistical Classification of Products by Activity 2.1 CPA 2.1
Central Product Classification Ver. 2.1 CPC Ver. 2.1


  Area (Countries and Territorial Units)  
Nomenclature of Countries for Dissemination of Official Statistics (only in Serbian)  
Code List of Counties and Territories (only in Serbian) ISO 3166
Nomenclature of Statistical Territorial Units NSTJ 2010
Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics 2021 NUTS 2021
Geonomenclature 2023 GEONOM 2023
Standard country or area codes for statistical use (M49) М49
Country Codes ISO 3166


Carinska tarifa 2018 ЦТ 2018
PRODCOM List 2022 PRODCOM 2022
Combined Nomenclature 2023 CN 2023
Standard goods classification for transport statistics, 2007 NST 2007
Standard International Trade Classification (rev. 4) SITC Rev.4
Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding Systems (HS) 2012 HS 2012


Classification of Types of Construction SORS 2005  
International statistical classification of diseases and related health problems – 10th revision, edition 2010 ICD-10 Version 2010
Classification of Types of Construction 1998 CC 1998
European Waste Classification for Statistics, version 4 EWC-STAT 4
Classifications of Energy statistics (Commission Regulation (EU) No 1099/2008)  
Classifications of Energy statistics (Commission Regulation (EU) No 431/2014)  
International statistical classification of diseases and related health problems – 10th revision, edition 2016 ICD-10 Version 2016



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