The Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia is specialized organization established in accordance with article 26 of the Law on ministries (“Official Gazette of RS”, No. 44/14, 14/15, 54/15 and 96/15).
The Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia, in that sense, performs expert tasks related to adopting programs, organization and statistical surveys’ conducting, i.e. methodologies creating, collecting, processing, statistical analysis and publishing of the statistical data; preparation and adoption of unique statistical standards; development, maintenance and using of administrative and statistical registers of the Republic; establishing and maintenance of the system of national accounts; cooperation and expert coordination with bodies and organizations that are in charge of carrying out the statistical surveys; cooperation with international organizations so as to provide standardization and data comparability; data processing, with the aim of providing election and referendum results on the level of the Republic, as well as other tasks stipulated by the Law.
Moreover, the Law on the Official Statistics (“Official Gazette of RS”, No. 104/09) defines competences, obligations and authorities of the Office.
Total number of employees (according to work positions systematization): 455
Civil servants working on the position: 11
Position in the first group: 1
Position in the fourth group: 10
Executorial posts of civil servants: 430
Senior advisers: 66 civil servants
Independent advisers: 97 civil servants
Advisers: 197 civil servants
Junior advisers: 13 civil servants
Associates: 31 civil servants
Clerks: 26 civil servants
Work positions of employees: 14
Work positions in the first category: 7 employees
Work positions in the second category: / employee
Work positions in the third category: / employees
Work positions in the fourth category: 6 employees
Work positions in the fifth category: 1 employee
Work positions in the sixth category: /
Review of the number of employees by place of work and level of educational attainment:
Belgrade: 310
Regional offices: 145
Highly qualified: 422
Other educational attainment levels: 33
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only in Serbian
only in Serbian