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25.10.2023. -
Seminar for Quantitative Analysis - Celebrating one hundred years since the birth of Professor Branislav Ivanovic

Director of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia, Dr Miladin Kovačević, and Assistant Director of SORS, Vladimir Šutić, attended the Seminar for Quantitative Analysis, which was held on Wednesday, October 25, 2023, at the Faculty of Economics in Belgrade.

The seminar was dedicated to marking the centenary of the birth of prof. Dr Branislav Ivanović, Ph.D., a professor who established the Department of Statistics at the Faculty of Economics in Belgrade and introduced the teaching of the subject Mathematical Statistics.

The head of the Seminar for quantitative analysis is prof. Dr Vesna Rajić, and the attendees were addressed by prof. Dr Žaklina Stojanović, dean of the Faculty of Economics in Belgrade, prof. Dr Branislav Boričić, vice-rector for science at the University of Belgrade and prof. Dr Zorica Mladenović, Head of the Department of Statistics and Mathematics at the Faculty of Economics. Professor Ivanovic's scientific research work was discussed by prof. Dr Srđan Bogosavljević.







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