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15.07.2024. - External trade, final data, 2023

The overall external trade in the Republic of Serbia for the period January-December 2023 amounted to:

   - USD 70777.4 million - which was an increase of 0.8% compared to the same period last year;

   - EUR 65495.9 million - which was a decrease of 1.7% compared to the same period last year.

15.07.2024. - Issued building permits, May 2024

In May 2024, the number of 2 461 building permits was issued, presenting the increase of 2.4% when compared to May 2023. Out of the total number of permits issued in May 2024, 81.8% related to buildings, and 18.2% to civil engineering constructions. When only buildings are concerned, 78.5% of permits related to residential buildings, and 21.5% to non–residential ones, while regarding civil engineering constructions the largest number related to pipelines, communication and electric power lines (67.4%).

12.07.2024. - Juvenile perpetrators of criminal offences, 2023

The total number of crime reports against juvenile perpetrators of crimes in 2023 amounted to 2 598 and which is by 8% more if compared to 2022. The number of submitted motions for pronouncing criminal sanctions (1 867) more by 15%, and the number of minors sentenced to criminal sanctions (1 454) was also more by 20% in comparison to the previous year.

12.07.2024. - Adult perpetrators of crime, 2023

In the Republic of Serbia, in 2023, the procedure upon criminal reports was completed for 74 504 adult perpetrators of criminal offenses, which is by 10% less than in 2022. 26 919 adult persons were convicted, which is by 3% more when compared to the previous year. 

12.07.2024. - Consumer price indices by COICOP, June 2024

Prices of goods and services used for personal consumption in June 2024 in relation to May 2024 increased by 0.1% on average.

12.07.2024. - Indices of producer prices of agricultural and fishing products, May 2024

Producer prices of agricultural and fishing products in May 2024, compared to the same month of 2023 were decreased by 2.0% average.

10.07.2024. - Waste generation and treatment, 2023

During 2023, the sections: Agriculture, forestry and fishing, Mining and quarrying, Manufacturing, Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply, Water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities, Construction and Other service activities of the Republic of Serbia generated waste amounting to 180.2 million tons, which represents an increase of 3.2% compared to the previous year.

10.07.2024. - Marriages and divorces, 2023

In 2023 in the Republic of Serbia there were 31 670 marriages, a decrease of 3.5% relative to the previous year. At the same time, 25 887 concluded first marriages indicate a decrease of 3.8% when compared to 2022. The number of marriages per 1 000 population amounted to 4.8. The average age at the time of marriage for grooms was 34.5 and for brides 31.4 years.

In 2023, in the Republic of Serbia, there were 10 175 divorces, i.e. by 3.7% more than in the previous year. The number of divorces per 1 000 population was 1.5. The average age for husbands at divorce was 45.2 and for wives 41.7 years.

19.07.2024. Retail prices of agricultural products, First week of the current month 2024
22.07.2024. Indices of average prices in external trade, 2023
25.07.2024. Average salaries and wages per employee, May 2024
25.07.2024. Live births and deaths, January-June 2024
25.07.2024. Предузећа по величини и предузетници у Републици Србији, 2020-2022., 2022
26.07.2024. Indices of average prices in external trade, January-May 2024
30.07.2024. Registered employment, II Quarter 2024
31.07.2024. Retail trade turnover, June 2024
31.07.2024. External trade of goods , RSD, June 2024
31.07.2024. External trade of goods , USD, June 2024
31.07.2024. External trade of goods , EUR, June 2024
31.07.2024. Exports and imports, June 2024
31.07.2024. Quarterly Gross domestic product of the Republic of Serbia at constant prices - flash estimate, II Quarter 2024
31.07.2024. Indices of stocks of finalized industrial products, June 2024
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