MICS is a global research programme developed by UNICEF through consultations with other United Nations agencies. MICS is designed to provide statistically sound and internationally comparable data for key social indicators and it is targeted at the most sensitive part of the population: women, children and vulnerable and marginalized population groups. The results of this survey are one of the most important databases, and for many indicators related to health, development and education of children, youth and women, MICS is the only source of data.
This survey was globally conducted for the first time in 1995, and since then, every five years it has been conducted in more than one hundred countries. Serbia is one of the few countries that have implemented all previous MICS rounds (a total of five). The new round, MICS6, was launched in October 2016 and it is specifically aimed at collecting data related to Sustainable Development Goals – SDG. The preparatory activities for this round in Serbia are ongoing.
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03.03.2025. MICS – Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey
30.06.2023. Memorandum of Understanding with UNICEF Serbia Country Office is signed
24.01.2020. Final Meeting of the Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) fieldwork
01.02.2018. Memorandum of Understanding with UNICEF Serbia Country Office is signed
"Open up the door and let us know that you care"
TV spot
22.12.2014. Presentation of the final results of Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS 5)
The Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia and UNICEF in Serbia, on the premises of Media Center, presented the final results of the 2014 Serbia Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS 5) and 2014 Serbia Roma Settlements Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey.
Serbia Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2014 and Serbia Roma Settlements Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2014 (MICS5)
Serbia Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2014 and Serbia Roma Settlements Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2014 (MICS5) – Key Findings
Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2010 (MICS4)
Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2005 (MICS3)
Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey II (MICS2)
Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 1996 (MICS1)
The surveys archive contains in one place the most important information and survey data. Here you can find the methodological material, reports, questionnaires, databases, tables, tabulation and data entry programs, and documents related to media campaigns and data dissemination.
Serbia Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2019 and Serbia Roma Settlements Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2019 (MICS6)
Serbia Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2014 and Serbia Roma Settlements Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2014 (MICS5)
Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2010 (MICS4)
Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2005 (MICS3)
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Nemanja Trbojević е-mail: nemanja.trbojevic@stat.gov.rs,
Nadežda Bogdanović е-mail: nadezda.bogdanovic@stat.gov.rs
Dragana Djoković Papić е-mail: ddjokovic_papic@stat.gov.rs
Vladica Janković е-mail: vladica.jankovic@stat.gov.rs
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