Annual Energy Balances for Electricity, Heat, Blast Furnace Gas, Coal, Oil and Oil Derivates, Natural Gas, Geothermal Energy, Wood Fuels, Waste and Biogas are available as final results for 2023 year link.
Annual data are available in the database entitled Annual data and Еnergy balances. In the database, energy balances can be formed by selecting all flows. Balances were constructed according to the principles of Eurostat's new concept of energy balance, which was published at the end of January 2019. The structure of the energy balance is HERE. Total Energy balance of the Republic of Serbia for 2023 is available on link.
Construction of energy balances according to the old Eurostat concept can be realised on data which are in the database called Annual data – archive. The data were archived by the end of 2017 and will not be corrected in the future.