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Population projections

Population projections give a picture of how the size and structure of the population by gender and age could look like in the future. Starting from the base population, which represents the estimated number of inhabitants by age and sex in the census year, and given assumptions about future movements of the components of demographic change (fertility, mortality and migration), projections are calculated for the future thirty-year period after the census.

Projections of the population of the Republic of Serbia for the period 2022–2052. were made in 32 variants at the level of municipalities and cities in Serbia. The most significant results refer to the projections according to the medium (expected) scenario.

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18. October 2024. Population Projections for the Republic of Serbia 2022–2052

The Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia is publishing the results of population projections for the period 2022–2052, presented by age and sex, both for the total population of the Republic of Serbia and by regions, areas, and municipalities/cities. The projections were made in thirty-two variants, obtained by combining different hypotheses about fertility, mortality, and migration.

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