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Foreign Affiliates in the Republic of Serbia (inward FATS)

This statistics describe business entities that are residents in the reporting country (Republic of Serbia), and are under control of foreign enterprises. This refers to business entities with 50% and over of the foreign capital (from one or several countries). The main aim of this statistics is showing the share of these units in national economy and their influence. Results are presented by CA sections (sections B-J, L-N, P-R, divisions S95 and S96) and countries with the head office of the last institutional unit controlling the foreign subsidiary. It is the institutional unit that is the last one in the control chain, over which no other unit performs control. 


From the reference year 2021, there have been methodological changes in the Annual Structural Business Survey which is the data source for calculations in this statistics, and must be taken into account when comparing with the data until 2021.

The changes refer to the extension of the reporting units coverage, which, in addition to enterprises and part of other legal units, also includes a part of entrepreneurs who provide an annual financial report.

In addition, from the reference year 2021, with the entry into force of the new European regulations related to business statistics, the coverage of activities has been extended in the survey by including the sections CA P, Q and R, as well as divisions CA 95 and 96 from section S.

Key figures
Share in total number of business entities
1.4 %
Share in total number of persons employed
21.2 %
Share in total value added
34.1 %
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Foreign Affiliates by activities and by countries of ultimate controlling institutional unit