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19.10.2018. -
2017 Survey on orchards: Results

2017 Survey on orchards was carried out within IPA 2015 Programme and it is fully compliant with Regulation (EU) number 1337/2011 concerning European statistics on permanent crops and the methodology defined by Eurostat as regards this survey.

The Survey on orchards in the Republic of Serbia was conducted by the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia in cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management in 2017, and there from it has been introduced in the Plan of regular statistical surveys. The next survey on orchards is envisaged to be implemented in 2022.    

The sample for this survey included the selected family agricultural holdings and holdings of legal entities and unincorporated enterprises that are engaged in fruit production and possess the area of minimum 0.20 ha under fruit plantations. The sample ensured the minimum coverage of 95% of the total areas planted with the observed fruit species. The number of 15 214 agricultural holdings is covered by the sample.

The survey results are representative for the level of the Republic of Serbia and the level of regions.

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