In 2023, 919 868 freight road vehicles exited from the territory of the Republic of Serbia over international road border crossings and 9 999 tons of goods were exported. Relative to 2022, the number of freight road vehicles in exit decreased by 1.8% and the quantity of exported goods decreased by 4.4%. Vehicles with registration of the Republic of Serbia, in 2023, carried somewhat over two thirds of total quantity of the exported goods (67.4%). The number of freight vehicles that imported goods to the territory of the Republic of Serbia in 2023 decreased by 0.4% compared to 2022. Vehicles with registration of the Republic of Serbia, in 2023, imported 46.4% of total quantity of the imported goods.
Due to the beginning of the application of the Law on confirming the Convention on a common transit procedure, which provides the ability to the involved in customs procedure to transport the goods among the contracting parties of the Convention on the basis of a single electronic declaration and a single security which lasts during the whole transitory operation, the number of freight vehicles in transit is no longer comparable with the data from the previous years, and therefore, it is not presented.