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Labour Force Survey

Labour force survey enables realization of situation and monitoring of labour market changes through internationally established indicators, including employment and unemployment rates. Additionally, the survey provides socio - demographic characteristics of the employed, unemployed and out of labour force, and is the only source regarding the information on informal employment. 


Revision of the data of the Labour Force Survey, 2023‒2024
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28. February 2025. Labour Force Survey, IV Quarter 2024

According to the Labour Force Survey, in the fourh quarter of 2024, the number of employed persons was 2 894 900, the number of unemployed persons was 273 100, while the number of people outside the labour force equalled 2 462 200.

Compared to the same quarter of the previous year, the number of employed persons increased by 50 700, while the number of unemployed decreased by 11 600, and the number of people outside the labour force decreased by 65 300. The employment rate was 51.4%, representing an increase of 1.1 percentage points (p.p.), while the unemployment rate was 8.6%, the decrease being of 0.5 p.p. The outside the labour force rate was 43.7%, reflecting a decrease of 1.0 p.p.

Compared to the third quarter of 2024, there was a decrease in the number of employed persons (by 28 600), and an increase in the number of the unemployed (by 16 000) and the number of people outside the labour force (by 6 300). This way, the employment rate decreased by 0.5 p.p., while the unemployment rate and outside the labour force rate increased by 0.5 p.p., and 0.1 p.p. 

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Key figures
Employment rate
51.4 %
Unemployment rate youth (15-24)
25.8 %
Out of labour force rate
43.7 %